Beauty is more than just a word it's a feeling

Monday, July 7, 2014

A Start of Something New!

Well loves! Here is to the start of something new. .... I have had a lot of stress and sleepless night lately and decided I needed another outlet, soooooo I decided to start this blog. Here I can give you guys reviews with more details than when I post videos as sometimes I tend to ramble and my videos end up being way too long! LOL So I hope you will join me in this new journey and stick by me as I figure this whole blogging thing out! Much love! xoxo Rochelle

Don't forget you can always check out our videos too
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


  1. Welcome to the Bblogger world my friends! I'm so happy that you decided to start a blog! Congratulations and good luck with this new adventure. ;)
